$ 63,767  1.35%
€ 59,262  1.32%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,825  1.30%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.72B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.68B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Omnitude ECOM
Middleware layer allowing eCommerce businesses to adopt blockchain
Start date 28. Mar 2018 End date 31. May 2018
Information Omnitude is a radical concept in blockchain ecosystems. A middleware plug and play blockchain built on Hyperledger Fabric, for use across the whole spectrum of enterprise eCommerce platforms. Utilising Omnitude as an integration layer between existing systems enables rapid deployment of blockchain technology without the need to replace current systems.

Omnitude is not a single solution blockchain application. It is much bigger than that, our vision for the business is pioneering. Not only do we add value through our eCommerce middleware solutions, we are also driving the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology through the establishment of a blockchain ecosystem.
This allows us to share our code, learnings and resources to help kick-start other blockchain start-ups and app development projects whilst enabling everyone to create blockchain solutions. Ensuring that Omnitude as a business can continue to thrive and grow not only in the online retail marketplace, but beyond that, pushing blockchain into the mainstream.

We are driving mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Whether you are a big business with global reach, a small business who wants to grow, or an individual who wants trust, security and ease of interaction online, the aim is the same...

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Omnitude ECOM
Middleware layer allowing eCommerce businesses to adopt blockchain
Start date 28. Mar 2018
End date 31. May 2018
Omnitude is a radical concept in blockchain ecosystems. A middleware plug and play blockchain built on Hyperledger Fabric, for use across the whole spectrum of enterprise eCommerce platforms. Utilising Omnitude as an integration layer between existing systems enables rapid deployment of blockchain technology without the need to replace current systems.

Omnitude is not a single solution blockchain application. It is much bigger than that, our vision for the business is pioneering. Not only do we add value through our eCommerce middleware solutions, we are also driving the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology through the establishment of a blockchain ecosystem.
This allows us to share our code, learnings and resources to help kick-start other blockchain start-ups and app development projects whilst enabling everyone to create blockchain solutions. Ensuring that Omnitude as a business can continue to thrive and grow not only in the online retail marketplace, but beyond that, pushing blockchain into the mainstream.

We are driving mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Whether you are a big business with global reach, a small business who wants to grow, or an individual who wants trust, security and ease of interaction online, the aim is the same...

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  Github (not available)
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