$ 63,480  0.49%
€ 58,981  0.52%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,736  0.88%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.52B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.11B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Genaro Network GNX
Public chain + decentralized storage network for blockchain applications
Start date 17. Nov 2017 End date 09. Dec 2017
Information Genaro Network, as the creator behind the blockchain 3.0 concept, aims to contribute to blockchain infrastructure technology development. The Genaro Network is the first Turing Complete Public Chain + Decentralized Storage Network, providing blockchain developers a one-stop solution to deploy smart contracts and store data simultaneously. The Genaro Public Chain uses PoS (Proof of Stake) as consensus, and creatively uses the SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) algorithm as its storage consensus, which could increase both public chain scalability and file transferring speed.

Moreover, Genaro applies game theory to a sharing economy business model, thereby establishing a fairer rewards system for nodes and provides end users with a private, efficient, economic, secure and permanent storage space and sharing community.

As a member of Chainbase / Wanxiang, Genaro has attracted support from seven famous blockchain foundations, including BlockAsset, a subsidiary of Fenbushi Capital. Genaro is the revolution to move from "Cloud" to "Blockchain"! We believe that only when a blockchain is able to store and analyze big data in the real world can DAPPs be as useful as Internet APPs.

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Genaro Network GNX
Public chain + decentralized storage network for blockchain applications
Start date 17. Nov 2017
End date 09. Dec 2017
Genaro Network, as the creator behind the blockchain 3.0 concept, aims to contribute to blockchain infrastructure technology development. The Genaro Network is the first Turing Complete Public Chain + Decentralized Storage Network, providing blockchain developers a one-stop solution to deploy smart contracts and store data simultaneously. The Genaro Public Chain uses PoS (Proof of Stake) as consensus, and creatively uses the SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) algorithm as its storage consensus, which could increase both public chain scalability and file transferring speed.

Moreover, Genaro applies game theory to a sharing economy business model, thereby establishing a fairer rewards system for nodes and provides end users with a private, efficient, economic, secure and permanent storage space and sharing community.

As a member of Chainbase / Wanxiang, Genaro has attracted support from seven famous blockchain foundations, including BlockAsset, a subsidiary of Fenbushi Capital. Genaro is the revolution to move from "Cloud" to "Blockchain"! We believe that only when a blockchain is able to store and analyze big data in the real world can DAPPs be as useful as Internet APPs.

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