$ 57,515  -5.14%
€ 53,682  -5.56%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 45,930  -5.37%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 19.64B
Altcoin volume
$ 37.25B
Crypto market cap
$ 1.92T
Blockchain-based platform that connects advertisers to influencers
Start date 10. Dec 2018 End date 11. Feb 2019
Information Inflr has created the first platform that connects advertisers to influencers within a marketplace using blockchain technology. With Inflr, advertisers can promote their products and services using the influence of social network users.

Always looking to create balanced relationships between advertisers and influencers, Inflr has developed an algorithm called proof-of-influence to evaluate accurately the efficacy of influencers through the use of artificial intelligence and through technical analysis of collected data such as influencer posts, scope and nature of audience reaction, longevity of post relevance, and size of ‘friend‘ networks. The analysis of these data is used to generate a score that aides in assessing the utility of different influencers and connecting the right advertisers with the right influencers.

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Blockchain-based platform that connects advertisers to influencers
Start date 10. Dec 2018
End date 11. Feb 2019
Inflr has created the first platform that connects advertisers to influencers within a marketplace using blockchain technology. With Inflr, advertisers can promote their products and services using the influence of social network users.

Always looking to create balanced relationships between advertisers and influencers, Inflr has developed an algorithm called proof-of-influence to evaluate accurately the efficacy of influencers through the use of artificial intelligence and through technical analysis of collected data such as influencer posts, scope and nature of audience reaction, longevity of post relevance, and size of ‘friend‘ networks. The analysis of these data is used to generate a score that aides in assessing the utility of different influencers and connecting the right advertisers with the right influencers.

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  Github (not available)
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