$ 67,851  -1.68%
€ 62,605  -1.28%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 52,226  -1.17%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 13.42B
Altcoin volume
$ 28.10B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.07T

About us

WorldCoinIndex is cryptocurrency source with price information and news. We supply fast and reliable price information.

We have listed over 1500 cryptocurrencies and our platform is connected to more than 100 cryptocurrency exchanges and over 7000 cryptocurrency markets.

All prices are denoted in BTC and in 13 fiat currencies: USD, EUR, CNY, GBP, RUB, CAD, JPY, HKD, BRL, IDR, AUD, KRW, INR, TRY and ZAR.

In addition to price information our platform also supports quick access to key information of individual cryptocurrency like their website, block explorer, forum, twitter and reddit feeds.

Our data

Index formula
Our price index is using the formula of average weighted price. Prices are calculated few seconds.

Bitcoin Price Index
Bitcoin is the most­used and known cryptocurrency and the only cryptocurrency with global fiat markets. Each Bitcoin fiat market has their own Bitcoin Price Index (BTC/USD, BTC/EUR) and is calculated separately.

All other cryptocurrency are mainly traded in bitcoin and hardly have fiat markets. Therefore the Bitcoin Price Index(es) deviate from Price Index calculation for other cryptocurrencies.

The Price Index of other cryptocurrencies is based on their bitcoin markets, i.e. ETH/BTC and their fiat prices are calculated based on the Bitcoin Price Indexes, i.e. BTC/USD.

We rank cryptocurrencies by 24 hour traded volume to indicate which cryptocurrency is most traded, and normally that means the most popular at the moment.

Opening price
Cryptocurrency quotes have a fixed opening price at 0:00 UTC/GMT and closing at 23:59 UTC/GMT.

Percentage calculation
Percentage changes are calculated by difference between last trade price and opening price.

Price charts
Price charts can be viewed in time periods of 1 or 7 days, 1,3 or 6 months, 1 year and total period (All) since listed.

Volume is the number of coins traded on all cryptocurrency exchanges. The volume is calculated each minute in a period of 24 hours.

The numbers of coins shown is based on available or mined coins. The number of coins is mostly also included in the block explorer statistics.

Market Capitalization
Market capitalization is the market value of all outstanding coins of a cryptocurrency. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the outstanding coins by the current market price of a cryptocurrency.

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