$ 64,011  0.16%
€ 59,491  0.17%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,010  0.16%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.41B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.14B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T NCDT
A user-friendly cloudbased distributed computing network for commercial and private use.
Start date 23. May 2019 End date 30. Jun 2020
Information The (short term of nubes computatrum) is a cloudbased distributed computing network developed by the Iron Eagle Capital GmbH, based on BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure Network Computing), the scientific computing cloud of the University of California, Berkeley, and Gridcoin. As BOINC is only available for scientific research, the opens it up for commercial use. The Iron Eagle Capital GmbH is developing a user friendly and commercial 1-click-solution of BOINC. Computing power is provided by mining on CPUs, GPUs and Smartphones. The takes this proven OpenSource technology and allows companies to calculate their data in the cloud and miners to make their unused computing power available to whoever needs it. It uses the Blockchain to carry out transactions between the client and the contractor. According to the “INVEST”-Database the is the first ever blockchain-project in Germany to receive a grant by BAFA (German Federal Office for economic affairs). For further details please visit the website and download the whitepaper.
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A user-friendly cloudbased distributed computing network for commercial and private use.
Start date 23. May 2019
End date 30. Jun 2020
The (short term of nubes computatrum) is a cloudbased distributed computing network developed by the Iron Eagle Capital GmbH, based on BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure Network Computing), the scientific computing cloud of the University of California, Berkeley, and Gridcoin. As BOINC is only available for scientific research, the opens it up for commercial use. The Iron Eagle Capital GmbH is developing a user friendly and commercial 1-click-solution of BOINC. Computing power is provided by mining on CPUs, GPUs and Smartphones. The takes this proven OpenSource technology and allows companies to calculate their data in the cloud and miners to make their unused computing power available to whoever needs it. It uses the Blockchain to carry out transactions between the client and the contractor. According to the “INVEST”-Database the is the first ever blockchain-project in Germany to receive a grant by BAFA (German Federal Office for economic affairs). For further details please visit the website and download the whitepaper.
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