$ 63,970  1.27%
€ 59,427  1.28%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,023  1.45%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.43B
Altcoin volume
$ 29.10B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T
Squeezer SQZR
Software development platform offering microservices for the blockchain
Start date 01. Jun 2018 End date 30. Jun 2018
Information Squeezer is a platform that helps software developers build apps easily without tackling the entire blockchain infrastructure. It is also a powerful tool for providing high-quality blockchain software components to large enterprise organizations. Squeezer uses world-class microservices platforms, such as AWS Lambda, Google Functions, and Azure Functions.

Our solution is to create a simple interface that will enable software developers to conduct blockchain transactions without having to deal with the blockchain genesis code or create complex components.

The Squeezer Platform is powered by the SQZR token. Developers will purchase platform subscriptions with the token to create their applications. Additionally, all consultancy services provided by the Squeezer team will be paid for in SQZR tokens.

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Squeezer SQZR
Software development platform offering microservices for the blockchain
Start date 01. Jun 2018
End date 30. Jun 2018
Squeezer is a platform that helps software developers build apps easily without tackling the entire blockchain infrastructure. It is also a powerful tool for providing high-quality blockchain software components to large enterprise organizations. Squeezer uses world-class microservices platforms, such as AWS Lambda, Google Functions, and Azure Functions.

Our solution is to create a simple interface that will enable software developers to conduct blockchain transactions without having to deal with the blockchain genesis code or create complex components.

The Squeezer Platform is powered by the SQZR token. Developers will purchase platform subscriptions with the token to create their applications. Additionally, all consultancy services provided by the Squeezer team will be paid for in SQZR tokens.

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