$ 62,057  -0.43%
€ 57,734  -0.40%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,675  -0.37%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.26B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.87B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.04T
Bank​ ​Account​ ​Based Blockchain
Start date 06. Feb 2018 End date 28. Feb 2018
Information BABB is an acronym for Bank Account Based on Blockchain. We want to use blockchain technology to offer a bank account to anyone in the world, with built-in access to crowdsourced financial services. It is possible to significantly cut the cost of banking and financial services to offer game-changing service and bring two billion people into the global economy. We think this will be good for everyone.

The benefits of a decentralised model of banking don’t stop at financial inclusion. We can end high prices due to stagnant competition and data leaks due to poor security. We can also make the global economy less susceptible to shocks such as the 2008 financial crisis by decentralising the decision making. Banks are weak and vulnerable, compared to the distributed strength and security of a decentralised banking platform, in which each user is essentially their own bank.

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Bank​ ​Account​ ​Based Blockchain
Start date 06. Feb 2018
End date 28. Feb 2018
BABB is an acronym for Bank Account Based on Blockchain. We want to use blockchain technology to offer a bank account to anyone in the world, with built-in access to crowdsourced financial services. It is possible to significantly cut the cost of banking and financial services to offer game-changing service and bring two billion people into the global economy. We think this will be good for everyone.

The benefits of a decentralised model of banking don’t stop at financial inclusion. We can end high prices due to stagnant competition and data leaks due to poor security. We can also make the global economy less susceptible to shocks such as the 2008 financial crisis by decentralising the decision making. Banks are weak and vulnerable, compared to the distributed strength and security of a decentralised banking platform, in which each user is essentially their own bank.

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