$ 63,205  0.20%
€ 58,652  0.24%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,450  0.14%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.12B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.30B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Signals Network SGN
Data science marketplace
Start date 09. Apr 2018 End date 30. Apr 2018
Information Our mission is to democratize machine intelligence in the cryptotrading industry. Any cryptotrader armed with computational power and data science can make smarter and faster trading decisions and maximize trading profits. That is why Signals Marketplace provides traders with an arsenal of trading algorithms, ranging from traditional technical analysis to state of the art machine learning techniques, all suitable even for those without any programming skills.

How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: The whole architecture of Signals platform is designed to facilitate a connection between data science community and crypto traders without programming skills. That’s why Signals Strategy builder will be connected to Signals Indicator marketplace , where skilled developers and data scientists will be able to encapsulate their code into visual components, so as anybody could use them to assemble their trading strategy in Signals Strategy builder.
Incorporated company's country: Czech Republic

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Signals Network SGN
Data science marketplace
Start date 09. Apr 2018
End date 30. Apr 2018
Our mission is to democratize machine intelligence in the cryptotrading industry. Any cryptotrader armed with computational power and data science can make smarter and faster trading decisions and maximize trading profits. That is why Signals Marketplace provides traders with an arsenal of trading algorithms, ranging from traditional technical analysis to state of the art machine learning techniques, all suitable even for those without any programming skills.

How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: The whole architecture of Signals platform is designed to facilitate a connection between data science community and crypto traders without programming skills. That’s why Signals Strategy builder will be connected to Signals Indicator marketplace , where skilled developers and data scientists will be able to encapsulate their code into visual components, so as anybody could use them to assemble their trading strategy in Signals Strategy builder.
Incorporated company's country: Czech Republic

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