$ 63,777  1.37%
€ 59,275  1.34%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,835  1.31%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.76B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.74B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
A Decentralized, Scalable Read-Write Solution for Blockchains.
Start date 01. May 2021 End date 01. May 2021
Information The APIS believes that blockchains and trustless information exchange is powering a new industry of decentralized applications and knowledge, and that the blockchain tools of the future will provide more data, solve more problems, and be more usefully complex. We believe in the values of community ownership, open-source ecosystems, and decentralization.
APIS Core platform is a set of open-source low-code interfaces and tooling designed to power dApps on one or more blockchains. APIS endpoints are built from the ground up: we support each blockchain native interface and extend those interfaces into cross-chain interoperable interfaces. There are three types of interfaces in the APIS protocol: Native, Extended, and Unified.

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A Decentralized, Scalable Read-Write Solution for Blockchains.
Start date 01. May 2021
End date 01. May 2021
The APIS believes that blockchains and trustless information exchange is powering a new industry of decentralized applications and knowledge, and that the blockchain tools of the future will provide more data, solve more problems, and be more usefully complex. We believe in the values of community ownership, open-source ecosystems, and decentralization.
APIS Core platform is a set of open-source low-code interfaces and tooling designed to power dApps on one or more blockchains. APIS endpoints are built from the ground up: we support each blockchain native interface and extend those interfaces into cross-chain interoperable interfaces. There are three types of interfaces in the APIS protocol: Native, Extended, and Unified.

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